Samantha Shannon
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Celkem 3 nabídky
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Zber kostí
Svet fantasy si uzurpuje nový druh autoriek. A na ich čele stojí Samantha Shannonová, výnimočná mladá autorka s veľkými ambíciami a neskutočnou fantáziou. Jej...
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The Bone Season: The Mask Falling (4)
Paige Mahoney has eluded death again. Snatched from the jaws of captivity and consigned to a safe house in the Scion Citadel of Paris, she finds herself caught...
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The Bone Season: The Song Rising (3)
A rebel who becomes a queen The hotly anticipated third book in the bestselling Bone Season series—a ground-breaking, dystopian fantasy of extraordinary...
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